October Speaker Series


The October 20, 2021 member meeting topic was GROW BACK BETTER, presented by Marilyn Trent and Stephanie Smith 

Learn about the benefits of leaving the leaves for our moths, butterflies and other beneficial insects, the seed heads for the birds and stalks for the bees. Soft landings will be presented by Stephanie Smith, Rochester Pollinators board member. She will discuss the diverse native plantings under keystone trees (or any other regionally appropriate native tree). These plantings provide critical shelter and habitat for one or more life cycle stages of moths, butterflies, and beneficial insects such as bumblebees, fireflies, lacewings, and beetles.


Some important links from the presentation:

Bee and Pollinator Books by Heather Holm – Attract, Observe and Identify Pollinators and Beneficial Insects with Native Plants (pollinatorsnativeplants.com)


Fall cleanup with ecology in mind, with Doug Tallamy – A Way To Garden

Nesting & Overwintering Habitat for Pollinators & Other Beneficial Insects (xerces.org)


Other handouts at the meeting:

Six reasons to NOT clean up the garden this fall (savvygardening.com)

Going native can be a smart choice for Michigan landscapes – MSU Extension