Past Events
December –
No events for the Chapter this month…
Looking for a meaningful gift to give this holiday season? Wild Ones membership will show the special people in your life you care about them AND the environment! It’s a gift that let’s you share with others the benefits and importance of landscaping with native plants.
Give a gift membership here:
Wild Ones welcomes everyone on the path to living landscapes. Folks who are new to native plants and those with deep roots come together to share knowledge, skills and resources online and in local chapters.
Wild Ones currently has 76 chapters and 26 seedling chapters in 29 states!
Native Plant Panel
November 16 at 7:00
(Johnson Nature Center, 3325 Franklin Rd, Bloomfield Hills)
Door open 6:45 PM, PROGRAM at 7:30 PM – Panel Discussion on All Things Native Landscapes
How to start a Native Plant Garden and what to put in it. Sounds simple enough, and the best option is often just digging in. But if you have some questions about this topic we’d like to offer you some answers. North Oakland Wild Ones (NOWO) is part of a national native plant group. At our next meeting we will feature a panel discussion to try to answer questions for you. Our board consists of some very knowledgeable native plant enthusiasts who would be happy to do some research for questions sent to us prior to our meeting or answer questions impromptu.
[email protected] or through contact us page
October 19 at 7:00
Door open 6:45 PM, PROGRAM at 7:30 PM – ‘Plant This – Not That’
(Beauty AND Biodiversity – Native Plant Alternatives for Urban Landscapes) by Valerie Malaney.
Valerie Malaney is passionate about using native plants and sustainable garden practices in urban environments to extend habitat connections vital to “Green Corridors”. Valerie has a Master’s in Resource and Ecology Management from U of M and is also an MSU Conservation Steward, Pollinator Champion and Board Member of the North Oakland Wild Ones. She has been incorporating native plants into her yard for 20+ years with over 150+ native Michigan species. We are losing biodiversity at an unsustainable rate! Plant choices matter! She believes we can make a difference whether it is with a single pot of plants, acres of restoration, or somewhere in-between.
November Meeting Nov 23 – Panel Discussion on Gardening with Native Plants
September 21 at 7:00 (Wednesday)
Monthly Meeting/Presentation
E. L. Johnson Nature Center, 3325 Franklin Road, Bloomfield Hills, MI
Are you thinking about planting a garden to help the environment? One option to accomplish this goal is a Rain Garden. Its’ purpose is to slow the flow of water to allow absorption and filtration. When planted with native plants it helps sustain our native pollinators. North Oakland Wild Ones (NOWO) is offering a program to help plan a Rain Garden. Kaleigh Snoddy, Director of Education and Stewardship for the Clinton River Watershed Council (CRWC) will speak on “Rain Gardens and Rain Barrels”. The inclusion of rain barrels in the program is very timely considering our lack of rain. Presentation is open to the public
September 25 at 2:00 PM (Sunday)
Native Garden Walk around Rochester
Downtown Rochester
NOWO is also offering an opportunity to see some native gardens. Rochester Pollinators currently has native gardens in the Rochester area. Sunday, September 25 at 2:00
Meet in the University and East Street parking lot. We will walk 4 blocks south to the Rochester Fire Station garden, back past the parking lot and 1 block north to the Rochester Hills Public Library. We can drive or walk to the Rochester Park garden, parking in the Pine Street lot. Other gardens may be available. “Experts” will be on hand and it is
free and open to all. For information on Rochester Pollinators see
August 6-7 Noon – 5PM NOWO will be at the Detroit Zoo Green Fest with Rochester Pollinators, Free with Zoo Admission GreenFest: Embrace Your Green Journey – Detroit Zoo
Aug 13 – 10AM t0 2PM (Clarkston Area) Member walk of Native Gardens used in Residential Landscapes – More Info to come out via email to members (Event is free, but members only) JOIN NOW
Aug 27 10AM 0 12 PM– NOWO will be at the West Bloomfield, Marshbank Park, Pollinator Festival – admission is free Pollinator Festival – West Bloomfield Parks (
June 15, 2022 7:oo – 8:00 PM E. L. Johnson Nature Center (JNC)
Lessons Learned – Introducing Biodiversity
Presenter: Dan Badgley, Retired Manager,
Walk of the JNC to see the restoration work in person
(This will be outdoors so plan for mosquito protection and the weather)