March Speaker Series: Scott Tiegs, Ph.D.


Jumping Worms in Michigan: 

Impacts, Identification, and Prevention

Wednesday, March 16, at 7 pm on ZOOM 

Virtual Program (starts at 7:30 PM):

 Scott Tiegs, Ph.D., Ecologist and Professor of Biological Sciences at Oakland University. Invasive jumping worms have been found in a number of areas in Michigan. They are much more destructive to habitat and ecosystems than other earthworms. He and his colleague Holly Greiner-Hallman first found Jumping Worms in the Oakland University Biological Preserve in 2008. Join us on Zoom for this interesting and important talk, to learn what to look for and how to avoid moving them around. 

If you are a member of North Oakland Wild Ones you will be sent a link to the Zoom meeting. For non-members and friends, email <[email protected]>. 

NON-MEMBERS: We hope you become a member of Wild Ones with North Oakland as your local chapter. (wildones.orgNote that our programs are free of charge, but if you are a member of Wild Ones, part of your membership fee returns to the local chapter and helps pay for our programs. Your membership affirms your own commitment to ecological landscaping practices.