Speaker Series & Seed Swap – Nov 17


PROGRAM: Katie Yates, Director of Education and Stewardship for Clinton River Watershed Council (CRWC) will be presenting “Your Home, Your Community, Your Watershed – How Native Plants Improve Your Watershed”. Katie is also the new Secretary of this Wild Ones chapter. 

This presentation will be videotaped. 

We are following CDC guidelines and request that all members and guests wear a mask. 

Seed Swapping: Bring your home grown native plant seeds/seed heads, packaged in small paper lunch bags or ‘recycled’ envelopes. More on seed collecting and sharing in a separate email. 



-doors open at 6:30 PM

Seed Swapping at 6:30 to 7:00, and again after the program presentation

Program at 7:30 PM

E. L. Johnson Nature Center, 3325 Franklin Road, Bloomfield Hills (north of Long Lake)


Seed collection page for Project Wingspan (program of Pollinator Partnership) https://www.pollinator.org/wingspan/seed-collection

Home page for Pollinator Partnership: https://www.pollinator.org/

In the event that we are not able to meet at the Nature Center in person, we will have our programs on Zoom, and you will receive an invitation to log in.


NON-MEMBERS: We hope you become a member of Wild Ones with North Oakland as your local chapter. (wildones.orgNote that our programs are free of charge, but if you are a member of Wild Ones, part of your membership fee returns to the local chapter and helps pay for our programs. Your membership affirms our own commitment to ecological landscaping practices.