Past Presentations

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Let’s Build a Raingarden!

Sally Wenczel is a West Bloomfield Parks and Rec Commissioner and a supporter of using native plants in urban landscapes. Through her talk, you will learn about Michigan Ecology and the use of Raingardens in your urban yard.  Sally Wenczel has installed multiple raingardens in her yard to collect and filter the rain.

She authored a children’s book “Let’s Build a Rain Garden”

Let’s Build a Rain Garden leads children into Michigan ecology through verse. They get a close up look at the fun creatures and native plants that thrive inside a rain garden while learning the more high-level terms STORMWATER and WATERSHED. The book is written for children, however adults will enjoy taking notes on the basic steps for building a rain garden as well. Be a part of the solution to stop the pollution. It all begins with YOU!


Jim Nash Oakland County Drain Commisioner

 Wednesday, May 17th, 2023
 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm (Eastern Time)
 Johnson Nature Center

Green Infrastructure in Oakland County

Speaker Jim Nash, Oakland County Drain Commissioner

Commissioner Nash will be giving a general overview of green infrastructure, why it’s needed and how it works. More specifically he will talk about the cost effectiveness of GI and how climate change is making GI more important than ever in the Great Lakes Region


April 19, 2023 – Monthly Program (See Events Calendar)

7:00 – 9:00 PM Johnson Nature Center

Weeds or Wildflowers? Yes!

Kirsten Lyons, Naturalist-Invasive Species Specialist
St. Clair County Parks and Recreation Commission
What makes a plant a weed? What’s a wildflower? How do we know which ones to pull and which to protect? What soil stories do plants tell? Can we eat the weeds we’re pulling out? Learn how restoration gardeners, ecologists, volunteers, and land managers use conservation terms and concepts to study nature, prioritize field work, avoid burnout, and have fun! This interactive presentation will help prepare you and your plants for the upcoming growing season. A question and answer session will be held at the end. All are welcome, no previous knowledge or experience needed.

April 20, 2023 – Earth Day Celebration at West Bloomfield Parks and Rec (Table event)

April 22, 2023 – Earth Day Celebration


March 15, 2023 – Registration Required  –  Winter Seed Sowing Workshop

March 22, 2023 – Registration Required – Native Garden Design Workshop

More events on our Events Calendar


January – Happy New Year!

“What’s the Rush?”

Wednesday Jan 18 at 7:00 PM

(Johnson Nature Center, 3325 Franklin Rd, Bloomfield Hills)

Door open 6:45 PM, PROGRAM at 7:30 PM – viewing of Doug Tallamy PhD video and  presentation on how to get on the map
“We are at a critical point where we are losing so many native plant and animal species that the ecosystem services we rely upon (oxygen, clean water, flood control, pollination, pest control, etc) will become seriously compromised.  However, if many people make small changes, we can restore healthy ecological networks and weather the challenges ahead.”  Doug Tallamy, PhD, Homegrown National Park
We will also review how you can “Get on the Map!” and indicate your individual contribution (square area) to dedicated habitat with native plants or removing invasives to create a Homegrown National Park in the US, with a goal of 20 million acres.
If you are unable to attend the meeting, you can see the video presentation here: What’s the Rush? Doug Tallamy, Co-Founder Homegrown National Park®