Michigan Vernal Pool Patrol Training

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Learn more about vernal pools and how you can help monitor and protect these fascinating and important wetlands in Michigan!

Michigan Vernal Pool Patrol Virtual Training Series 2022

About this event

If you are interested in participating in the Vernal Pool Patrol, you must register for and attend all three parts/sessions. The Michigan Vernal Pool Patrol is a statewide community science program to map and monitor vernal pools in the field using a standard protocol. Data collected will contribute to the Michigan Vernal Pool Database. Vernal pools are small, seasonally-flooded wetlands that provide critical breeding habitats for amphibians and invertebrates and are important for maintaining healthy ecosystems. Information on the status, distribution, and ecology of vernal pools in Michigan is limited. Given their small size and seasonal nature, vernal pools can be challenging to locate in the field and from aerial imagery. They also are vulnerable to climate change and various land use practices and are not well protected. We need the help of community scientists to verify and collect more information about vernal pools across the state to enhance understanding of these wetlands and better inform their management and conservation at local and statewide levels.

This virtual training (via Zoom) will provide information and resources to those interested in participating in the Michigan Vernal Pool Patrol or just interested in learning more about these important wetlands.

The training will consist of three parts/sessions presented on Wednesday evenings, March 9, 16, and 23 from 6:00-8:00 pm:

• Part 1 – Introduction to vernal pools, what they are, their key characteristics, their ecological importance, and conservation efforts in Michigan including the Vernal Pool Patrol and how you can get involved. Wednesday, March 9 – 6:00 – 8:00 pm

• Part 2 – Overview of vernal pool ecology in Michigan focusing on plants and animals commonly found in vernal pools, how to identify them and their ecology, particularly vernal pool indicator species. Wednesday, March 16 – 6:00 – 8:00 pm

• Part 3 – In-depth training on the Michigan Vernal Pool Patrol program, including program components, data collection protocol, survey data form/mobile application, how to monitor and collect quality data on a vernal pool(s) in your area, supplies needed, and available resources. Wednesday, March 23 – 6:00 – 8:00 pm



If you are interested in participating in the Vernal Pool Patrol, you must register for and attend all three parts/sessions. Training sessions will be recorded and made available to all registered participants. Those who cannot attend the live trainings can watch the recordings. Current Vernal Pool Patrol community scientists and local program coordinators also are welcome to attend the trainings if you would like to get a refresher on the training and learn about updates to the program. Participants just interested in learning more about vernal pools and/or the Vernal Pool Patrol are welcome to attend one or as many sessions as you would like!

For more information about the Michigan Vernal Pool Patrol and/or these training sessions, please contact Yu Man Lee ([email protected]) or Courtney Ross ([email protected]) with the Michigan Natural Features Inventory (MNFI), or visit https://vernal-pool-patrol-mnfi.hub.arcgis.com/

This event is not sponsored by NOWO, but we wanted to share events happening in the area with a similar mission.