Information about Pesticide and IPM alternatives

Information about Common Pesticides/Herbicides and IPM Alternatives

Many people turn to pesticides/insecticides or herbicide as the 1st course of action to be rid of an unwanted insect or “weed”.  However these chemicals can have an impact on many more things than the intended pest.  We have put together a collection of resources to help you learn more about the potential impacts of the chemicals that are frequently used.  In addition to impacting Environmental health, including the water we drink and the soil for our food, they can also have detrimental effects on our pollinators, pets, children and more.

Reducing Pesticide Use & Impacts | Xerces Society

Potential Harm


40 Common Lawn and Landscape Chemicals — Beyond Pesticides

Children and Schools — Beyond Pesticides

Pets and Pesticides: Keeping our Companions Safe — Beyond Pesticides

Threatened Waters: Turning the Tide on Pesticide Contamination — Beyond Pesticides

Why not to use Weed n Feed – Beyond Pesticides

IPM – Integrated Pest Management

is a method for determining the least detrimental control of a pest, and also a consideration about whether intervention is actually needed or if we can take a hands-off approach and let nature do it’s job.  Most pests have natural controls or predators, particularly if they are native.  A few species become invasive and warrant taking action to control, but most will be controlled by the natural food web, if we give it a chance.

Ecological Pest Management | Xerces Society

Mosquito Control without chemicals: 

Controlling the larvae habitat is the first line of defense.  Water that pools and sits for more than 7 days can be habitat for mosquito larvae.  Gutters, Bird Baths, Toys, and even tires can hold enough water without predators for larvae to grow into adults. Standing water in as little as 1 inch is all that is needed.  Beyond getting rid of standing water, there are other preventative measures you can take to avoid being bitten. Protect yourself from bites by wearing long sleeves when mosquitoes are active and making sure your window screens are intact. Consider putting out a fan when sitting outdoors, as mosquitoes can’t fly in even light winds.

An organic “trap” for mosquitos is a bucket with a Mosquito donut that contains Bt specific to mosquitos.  Only mosquitos will be attracted to such a bucket  and not our other pollinators. A video by Homegrown National Park

If you are in an area that is naturally low where water pools, then animal predators like birds, bats, and dragonflies can be attracted by providing better habitat for them to live year round.  


Share information about Organic – Pesticide Free Landscapes

Following these tips about mowing with make the biggest impact:

Mow with sharp blades set to 3” to minimize adverse effects and retain the lawn’s competitive ability. Never cut more than 1/3 of the grass blades in a single mowing and leave a light layer of grass clippings on the grass, as they can provide up to half the lawn’s nitrogen requirement.

Lawns and Landscapes — Beyond Pesticides

DoorHangarsforPesticideFreeLawns.pdf (

Pollinatorsforkids.pdf (