Restoring Habitats of the Past to Protect Habitats of the Future."
Public Welcome Free Event Chapter Meeting Program/Speaker Presentation Public Restroom Free Public Parking Drinking Fountains
Cam Mannino shares the transformational restoration work going on in the parks and natural areas of Oakland Township. Abandoned farm fields have become flowering tall grass prairies. A wet meadow along the Paint Creek Trail now blooms with rare to uncommon wildflowers that struggled to survive for 150 years after the arrival of a railroad in 1872. An original bed of Paint Creek, long hidden in a tangle of invasives, emerges as a forest is restored. If you need a spring jolt of inspiration about the importance of native wildflowers and would enjoy seeing the restoration magic happening in large natural areas nearby, this photo-filled presentation might do it for you!
Cam Mannino graduated from the University of Michigan and has a Master's degree from the U of M in teaching and counseling. She worked as a high school English teacher, a school counselor and a foster care worker with Vietnamese refugee unaccompanied minors. Cam has volunteered under the stewardship of Dr. Ben VanderWeide of Oakland Township for 10 years. She writes and does photography for a monthly blog on his stewardship website called Natural Areas Notebook . The blog covers the plants, trees, insects, birds etc. that residents can discover in our 11 parks.