Welcome to Wild Ones of North Oakland

In January 2010, the North Oakland chapter of Wild Ones was founded. We serve those in Oakland County, Michigan who are interested in native plants. Our goal is to educate and promote the benefit and use of Michigan native plants, which we do by bringing in local speakers and organizing field trips to nearby locations, including parks and members’ homes.

We generally have free public presentations or events on the third Wednesday of every month at

7 pm, at E L Johnson Nature Center, Bloomfield Hills,

except during the summer when we are all busy outside! Then we host Native Garden walks to see the plants in person. Check out our calendar for details about upcoming events. We hope to see you there!

Nationally, Wild Ones has nearly 4,000 individual, household, and business memberships and there are 12 active chapters in Michigan. Become a member of Wild Ones and explore how to grow your own natural garden or yard full of Michigan native plant species that provide wildlife habitat and a multitude of ecosystem services. We encourage visitors to join us at one of our free, open-to-the-public events and experience our group firsthand.

Events include:

  • Monthly Speaker Series/meetings with presentations by experts on native plants, natural landscaping and habitat restoration. Past Presentations
  • Tours of members’ yards to experience examples of formal and informal garden styles, raingardens, woodland gardens and butterfly/wildlife attractors.
  • “How-to” sessions and hands-on practice maintaining native plantings.
  • Plant/seed sales and exchanges.

North Oakland Board

President: Jane Giblin
Vice President: Judy Graham
Secretary: Elizabeth Merdian
Treasurer: Nancy Ohlde
Member at Large: Jim Brueck

North Oakland Program Chairs

Programs: Judy Graham
Hospitality: Open Seat
Membership: Jim Brueck
Public Relations: Marilyn Trent
Website/Media: Valerie Malaney
Wild for Monarchs: Open Seat

If you would like to volunteer for the above open seats, please contact Jane Giblin

Have a general inquiry? You can contact us at [email protected]